Connective Environments, Fall 2021

ARCH4050/6306: Tuesdays 2pm-5:15pm
Team: Seamus Sullivan, Mohammad Fasahat
Dr. Dimitris Papanikolaou | | Urban Synergetics Lab |

Assignment 3- INFLATABLES


Plastic sheets


- Getting people to create a desired output/behavior

- Encouraging interaction with space through gamification

- Using Inflatables to create a sense of winning/losing

- Using competition to motivate certain inputs

Inspiration / Case studies:

Tug of War:
Pie Face:
Zorb Soccer:

Concepts / Sketches:

Dominion & Conquer

Seating on the pillow

Jumping & Burning Ca

Ideas for User Interface (UI)

First Ideas were about emerging physicl and digital environments and control pillows by using some game pads

Balloon Concept:

Final alternative is about using the action of blowing into a balloon in order to have our pillows expanded

Gamification / Interaction:

By using something as simple as a cushion and using it at a large scale an interactive space can be created. An air cushion is easy to fabricate and allows for people to sit and get involved in the inflatable space. People can also bring a friend to hang out with them creating an inviting environment with the cushion changing in pressure as more people are added to the cushion.

By using two systems the idea of competition comes into play. Who can blow longer? An idea of making a game out of the system makes it so people are more likely to interact with the system and will also bring others to play along with them. The simple idea of letting the two systems have visual contact creates a space more likely to be utilized.

This project has taken the basic idea of inputting a minimal amount of work, or effort and getting the maximum amplified output. We have done this by having you blow up a simple balloon, and when the volume of the balloon is expanded, a wireless signal is sent out causing a giant air cushion to inflate, which activates another balloon to blow up in an observable area next to the original input/user.

Remote Interaction:

The see-saws, built to be able to fit through the slats of the fence, turned into a temporary, interactive playground right on the border as kids on the Mexico side of the wall ran up to play on them.


First Physical Prototype:

Built Process:

Using cartoon tape for sealing

The first prototype works with one fan

Testing fans with different powers

After testing pressure tolerance, gaps appeared at certain points

The second prototype uses iron and heat to seal

There are two fan entries to have a greater range of motion and more control. There is also one air output to help prevent gaps from occurring.

Larger pillow

Biometric Sensor (BMP280)

Connection of the sensor and Arduino

Volume change in the balloon is shown in a the left bar (Pressure / Tempreture)


To reduce the error and friction using solders can cause more stable outcomes from sensors.

Wireless Interface


Team & Contributions

Seamus Sullivan

Helped with building physical prototypes, created a physical stand for UI, worked on the remote interface and related codes, contributed with concepts and diagram production, Created presenation slides.

Mohammad Fasahat

Helped with building physical prototypes, worked on sensors and creating codes in arduino interface, contributed with concepts and diagram production, launched the webpage